Home News Entertainment News FULL VIDEO: Circle of Life Sung in a Plane

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FULL VIDEO: Circle of Life Sung in a Plane Print E-mail
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Written by Peter Martinez   
April 02, 2014 09:18

It's not often you get anything FREE these days when you travel by air, but these group of travelers sure did!

The Australian cast members of "The Lion King" musical serenaded a cabin full of passengers while waiting for liftoff.

Their song of choice: the iconic "Circle of Life" from Disney's hit animated movie.

"Lion King" Cast Sings on Plane

(click through to see the whole video)

The impromptu performance took place while passengers waited to fly to Sydney.

DIRECT LINK: http://abcnews.go.com/WNN/video/lion-king-flight-performance-viral-23155800

RELATED VIDEO: "Let It Go" Sung in Disney & Pixar Voices

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Last Updated on April 02, 2014 10:10



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